Although they’ve spent the larger part of the past few months within the confines of their studio writing new material, local rock band For Strings Inn didn’t quite lose touch of the various events that have been taking place in the outside world. In fact, the series of events related to the international political turmoil that has been filling column inches the world over were a major inspiration behind the band’s latest single, aptly titled Revolution.
“There’s been a lot going on internationally and locally that has to do with change. We felt particularly inspired by the way oppressed communities started to think for themselves and fought for their freedom,” the band said. They also made reference to the uprising across North Africa and the Middle East, the Wall Street and global recession protests as well as the shifts related to local partisan politics.“These symptoms hint at the dawning of a new era, where citizens all over the world are taking a stand against corruption and voicing their opinion.”
Apart from the single release, the band has also produced an accompanying music video, which in line with the song’s theme features footage related to events of civil unrest and personalities that have changed the course of history by taking a stand against injustice.“The making of the video itself made us open our mind more on the subject, due to the fact that while researching we came across a lot of stuff that is going on right now that we weren’t necessarily aware of,” the band added.
Revolution is available as a free download from www.forstringsinn.com, while the music video can be streamed on the band’s You Tube channel.
For Strings Inn’s next live performance will be at Zion in Marsascala as part of the Rock the South festival being held on April 5 and 6, 2013.
For Strings Inn is Herman Spiteri (vocals, guitar), Kim Farrugia (guitar), Ryan Abela (drums) and Nick Morales (bass).
This article was first published on The Sunday Times of Malta (24 March 2013)