When is a solo project not a solo project? There are probably several answers to this question, but as far as Five From Zero are concerned, the answer would certainly be ‘when it becomes a five-man band’ which is essentially how this band came into being. It all started from drummer Carlo’s solo project Remember Nothing, which also featured Aaron as session guitarist. With the intention of taking the project into to a live setting, Carlo drafted in Sean and Matt, which pretty much gave the project more of a band structure. How vocalist Ed ended up in the same rehearsal room as the band is still a mystery apparently, but the story goes that he magically appeared out of nowhere, bringing to the music 'the voice of a thousand Odyssean sirens' (I have my doubts on this one!) but delivered in a more manly tone. Believe of that what you will, but the bottom line remains that this somehow brought together the quintet that has come to be known as Five from Zero.
In the band’s own words, they were brought together by chance, not design and it’s a chance they're not passing up. So much so that despite the mixed bag of musical influences - ranging from Kings of Leon and Arctic Monkeys to Foo Fighters and Smashing Pumpkins by way of Linkin Park, Ramones, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Breaking Benjamin to name but a few, they’ve come up with a punchy slab of radio rock that’s been taking up a good chunk of the local airwaves since its release. Call it Infatuation - in fact they did - but their debut single has been elemental in introducing this young band to the local music scene, further to which they’re planning to play a number of live gigs this summer, shoot a ‘hot’ music video and record some more music with the aim of releasing an album, all in good time. For the time being however, you can listen to (or better still, buy) the song on the band’s Reverbnation page and check for band updates here.