Just over two years in the making, Brodu is a band whose music truly reflects its name; a sound that is made up of many flavours that don't necessarily relate to each other, but that intrinsically all possess that particular je ne sais quoi that makes them, uniquely, Brodu songs. Ic-Cimiterju, which the band uploaded to YouTube some days ago, is a haunting ballad that lingers on in the mind long after the music has ended. It is just one of the 14 songs that feature on Habullabullojb, the debut album that Brodu will be launching with a live performance at Razzett L-Ahmar in Mosta on Friday, November 14. Expect a performance as riveting as the songs on the album, in all their glorious diversity a remembrance of a loved one lost too soon.
Brodu will be joined onstage by special guests Kim and Herman from For Strings Inn, KazinSka, Nadine Axisa, Toni Spiteri "tal-ġebel" and Manuel Ciappara. The set will also feature songs written by the late Darren Gatt Vanhear (Totema, Vegetables, Tra'!). Fuzzhoneys will be the support act.
Doors open at 8.30pm. Entrance is €7 or €10 including a copy of the album.