The Flow Motion Experience is a unique event that will be taking place at the end of this month, bringing together the art of music, dance and food through an interactive programme. The event, which kicks off around 11am on Saturday, February 28 and comes to an end on Sunday evening, will feature a number of interactive workshops. The music workshop will focus on acapella and body percussion, the food section will feature a buffet with a wide range of delicious and healthy dishes to nourish the mind, body and spirit while the dance workshop will be presented by the Flow Motion group. The event also includes an exhibition of contemporary and traditional art, a two-hour live music performance and some other surprises.
Attendees will be greeted in the main courtyard of the Malta Society of Arts (Palazzo De La Salle 219 Republic Street Valetta), following which they will then participate in the interactive workshops (approx. an hour each). There will be a short break between each workshop, giving everyone enough time try some tasty food, view some live art and exhibitions or even join in the interactive surprises that the organizers have in store. After the final break all guests will be treated to a live musical performance by Leigh Holmes, Stevey Keys and One New Human.
The event starts at 11am on Saturday, February 28 and ends at around 6pm on Sunday, March 1. The workshops run at the same time on both days, so you’ve got a choice which day you would like to attend. Tickets cost €40 per person. For more information or to register, please send an email to flowmotionmalta@gmail.com or call on 99290748. Tickets for The Flow Motion Experience can also be purchased online at www.showshappening.com.
The Flow Motion Experience on Facebook