"Music is a world within itself. It's a language we all understand." These are not my words, but those of Stevie Wonder, though I have to admit I fully concur. They are also words that have been borrowed by a group of young musicians to promote a three-band event by the name of Amplified that will take place on the last day of April. The bands in question are Central Strip, Jack's Fusion and Lifelongwar, all three part of a relatively new wave of emerging talent that continues to sustain the local music scene.
It is, to say the least, a gathering with a lot of promise on more than one level. To start with, there's the promise of savouring what the latest generation of Malta's rock musicians has to offer. Further to this there's the promise of a diverse selection to enjoy, given that each band has its own particular musical predilection. Central Strip's eclectic mix blends hints of classic rock with an indie slant and a dash of pop, while Jack's Fusion tend to inject a more defined Blues-rock swagger into their songs. Last but not least, with a rather cool name and possibly the newest kids on the block, Lifelongwar are said to have an indie-rock background, rounding off this highly appealing three-act gig.
Amplified will be happening on Thursday, 30 April (eve of a public holiday) at Stardust in Sliema. Doors open at 8.30pm and entrance is €4. For more information click here.