Kruha u Kefrija is the latest release from Maltese Black metal act Saħħar. The album is being officially launched this Friday in Marsa, during which event Saħħar will also be performing live.
Work on the new album started around the time that 2014’s Difna fl-Infern was released, but there is no connection between the two albums; so much so, that an EP, Pusseduti bil-Ħazen was also released in between the two albums.
In a comment about the album, Saħħar said “This album has a narrative aspect, in that each song tells a different story, with perhaps only two having some sort of sequence, with the other songs inspired by themes of mystery, despair and apocalyptic notions”, adding that the album title was edited down from the original Il-Kruha u l-kefrija tal-mewt, which was inspired by the death of two persons very close to the artist’s heart. “I felt the original title was too long and specific, and might have restricted the avenues I could explore within the context of the topic”. Asked about the inpsiration behind th new album, Saħħar remarked that there were various sources that served as his muse, among them the controversial movies Rosemary’s Baby and The Devils.
With a catalogue that boasts six official releases to date (all of which are available here), Saħħar says he has no particular rush to release music. “I just want to write and record music that maintains a high standard. Being more of an individualist in my artistic expression, I feel Black Metal is the genre that best suits my modus operandi.” He admits his music also features other elements and influences, but Black Metal is the style he feels a storng and natural affinity for. “It is the same kind of natural tendency I feel towards the maltese language, which is why most of my work is in Maltese”.
This album launch is particularly special because it also features Saħħar performing live, which to date has been a rare occasion in itself. “I’ve always wanted to perform onstage in front of an audience, but I met with too many obstacles in trying to make it happen, so I had decided to focus on being a studio-based artist instead”. Fortunately, an opportunity to play live presented itself last year, which he admits he grabbed with both hands, and as a result of which Saħħar is no longer a one-man band.
Kruha u Kefrija will be launched on Friday, June 19 at Serenity Bar in Marsa. Apart from a live perofmrance by Saħħar, the event will also feature a Black metal playlist all night as well as an exhibition of paintings, sculptures and replica historical and fantasy weapons. For more information, click here.