INT IL-MAĦBUB TIEGĦI is the title of a new CD from Maltese singer Sandra Saffrett. Born in Sliema, Saffrett says she loved singing from a yougn age, although she never really got the opportunity to participate in any song festivals. It was in 2006, when she started singing at the Fgura parish church and later, in various prayer groups where she was also given solo parts, that she felt the urge to focus on singing as more than just a hobby and, as of 2012, she also started singing at the St. Rita Church in Valletta. “About 6 years ago, I was listening to a CD of worship songs by Ingrid Schembri, and I suddenly felt I too would like to record an album featuring songs of praise”, Saffrett says of how the idea to record her album came to mind. “I felt happy at the thought, but realized it would be difficult as I cannot read or write” she explains, adding that her faith in Jesus somehow reassured her that “something good would surely happen”.
Months passed and, Saffrett says, “I had practically forgotten about the idea of the CD”. Heading home after a prayer meeting one night, she suddenly felt inspired, as the words ‘Int il-Maħbub Tiegħi’ (You are my Loved One) kept going round repeatedly in her head. Out of the blue, a melody came to my mind and somehting inside her told her to try and and write it all down in whatever way she could. “I started writing, but that same evening, I decided to buy a recorder so I could save all the melodies, the words that were coming to me, one after the other”. Of course, there were times when other priorities took over, and the songs had to be put aside. “Difficult as it was, I had to put everything aside to attend to more important matters, but in my heart, I couldn’t wait to get back to my songs”. When the right opportunity presented itself, Saffrett says “God showed me the way forward, who to contact so that my dream could become a reality”.
The CD album features 12 tracks, seven of which are sung in Maltese, the rest in English and all of them written by Saffrett herself. “They are flowing songs”, she says of her work, “with a deep-set message of spiritual reflection and a contemporary feel that are easy to grasp and accessible to everyone who listens to it. I’m eternally grateful to my Lord Jesus Christ for His love and support”.
The music was arranged and recorded by Andrew Zammit of Tone Studios, the sleeve photography is by Paul and Mariella Mizzi (The Fotografer) and CD production, cover art and content is by Jean Pierre Debattista (Reciprocal Records Services).
Launched last month, INT IL-MAĦBUB TIEGĦI is available from all local record outlets, Uffiċċju Missjunarju, Missijoni tal-Kapuċċini (Floriana), Liberija Preca, Radju Marija and the Catholic Bookshop (Paola). All proceeds from the sale of this CD will go towards funding the Mission in Kenya.